AWS vs Microsoft Azure

May 23, 2022

AWS vs Microsoft Azure

When it comes to cloud computing, two of the most popular names are Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. If you're looking for a reliable, high-performance cloud provider, you can't go wrong with either of these options. In this article, we'll take a closer look at both companies and see how they compare in terms of cost, performance, security, features, and more.


When it comes to pricing, both AWS and Azure offer similar models. Both providers offer pay-as-you-go pricing options, which allows you to only pay for what you use. However, the cost depends on many factors, including the type of service you use, the region it’s deployed, and the amount of data you transfer.

According to a study by Cloudorado, AWS is slightly cheaper than Azure for most of their services. However, the actual cost depends heavily on usage, deployment and data transfer, so it’s essential to check both pricing calculators and compare specific services.

Features and Services

Both providers offer a wide range of features and services. AWS has a vast suite of more than 200 services from computing, hosting, storage, databases, analytics, machine learning and more. AWS offers a range of automation and deployment tools such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS OpsWorks, and AWS CloudFormation.

Microsoft Azure offers an array of more than 160 services, including computing, networking, storage, databases, AI, DevOps and more. One of the most significant differences between Azure and AWS is Azure's focus on hybrid cloud, allowing for better integration with existing on-premises architecture. Azure has a broader range of container solutions for modern applications and offers a range of deployment tools, including Azure Resource Manager Templates, Azure DevOps, and more.


Both providers offer robust and reliable cloud infrastructure that delivers excellent performance, scalability, and availability. When it comes to performance, AWS was a clear leader in its early days, but Azure has caught with high-performing infrastructure. Both providers deliver high-speed network connectivity, and they have data centers located in multiple regions worldwide.

According to the RightScale State of the Cloud report, AWS is leading in adoption by developers with a 68% share, while Azure has a market share of 22%. While AWS has been leading in the market for many years, Azure is quickly catching up and gaining ground in terms of performance.


Both providers have advanced security features to ensure that customer data is safe from potential threats. AWS and Azure both offer in-depth security protocols such as multifactor authentication, remote monitoring, and encryption, among others.

In addition, Microsoft Azure has more compliance offerings, including PCI, HIPAA, and ISO, and has achieved the highest level of compliance with the new GDPR regulations. However, AWS has more security options available via its Marketplace, which offers third-party applications that can be easily integrated.

Support and Documentation

Both providers offer excellent technical support and documentation services to help users get started with their services. AWS offers developer support through forums, phone, and email. The AWS documentation is comprehensive and well-organized, making it easy for users to find the information they need.

Azure offers support through forums, email, chat and phone, and their documentation is searchable and easy to navigate. In addition, Microsoft offers an extensive knowledge base with technical documentations, webinars and tutorials.


In summary, both AWS and Azure offer excellent and reliable cloud services. While AWS offers more extensive service catalogs and has more significant market share than Azure, the two are quite comparable in terms of pricing, performance, and security. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific business needs and requirements.


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